Friday, August 9, 2024

DBB: Character Chamber - Audrey II


“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” - Og Mandino

Welcome to DBB:

Character Chamber 

Nature is beautiful, Nature provides, Nature is everything…but sometimes Nature is death. Sometimes Nature becomes sick of humanity and their mistakes, and gives them a gift of despair and retribution. They say death has no name, but nature gave death a name..and that name is

Audrey II: the Man-Eating Mean Green mother from outer space

You know me, FMT

And it's time to see if this Flora Fiend has the best Arsenal, Abilities and Actions to survive Death By Blog

Before We Begin

So what exactly are we using for Audrey II? They have many many versions of themselves and have lots of media to go off of. Canonicity is a very small factor here..the original story is public domain which made many iterations like a musical, 2 movies, an animated series and books/comics. If you stick to one version, you can only use that version. So what do I say?? I say fuck it. All these iterations are based on the original story, nothing changes in a huge way and Audrey is still Audrey. It's not like Peter Pan where there's multiple versions of the character, Audrey has stayed the same pretty much consistently

Even the cartoon follows most of the same material and story despite them changing some stuff, it's directly based on the original movie and the remake. so I think it's fair to just use all of their material…I mean it's not like a killer plant is an insanely convoluted thing…so yes, we will be using EVERYTHING. Get ready for a bumpy ride.


It was the 1960s, Skid Row was a terrible place and downtown was even worse. Constant thievery, failed businesses and lots of poor homeless people. In Mushniks Flower Shop we meet Seymour Krelborn, a poor man who wants to make it out of this place and make a life for himself. When Business is getting lower and lower Seymour suggests a new solution, using a plant he found at a Japanese shop on Central avenue to attract customers. Seymour named the plant Audrey II (or Audrey Jr whichever y'all prefer) named after the women he loves, Audrey. 

Unfortunately the plant keeps going limp and weak, so of course they won't be able to attract anyone with a weak plant. Seymours boss Mushnik exclaims that he must find a way to keep the plant alive but Seymour has tried everything. But when Seymour pricked his finger on something sharp he discovered that the plant craves blood..human blood. Once he discovered that, he constantly kept feeding Audrey II his blood and Audrey II kept getting bigger and bigger, and once people saw the amazing plant the business kept getting bigger and bigger as well. 

Turns out Audrey II developed the ability to speak and demanded Seymour to keep feeding it, but Seymour is running out of blood. He also discovered that Audrey II was more than just blood…it wants the real Seymour is guilted and shamingly helping satiate the plants hunger. Seymour now has lots of blood on his hands and lots of guilt in his head, his boss is dead, his love interest is dead and more people could die if Audrey keeps eating and growing. And when it's threatened that Audrey could spread its carnage throughout the world he now wants to kill Audrey. Unfortunately he finds that it's way harder than he thought and ended up getting killed by Audrey…Audrey's plan was now in fruition and it successfully reigned over the world, destroying everything it touches and feeds…..

Skill and Experience

Now Audrey II has been around for a LONG time. Its species is basically immortal, and they can pass their consciousness to their offsprings where they retain all past memories of the original. Audrey II as a whole has been alive for 200 Million years, and states that it used to be able to feed on dinosaurs and give them all a run for their money. You see the secret to all this is that Audrey II comes from a planet of carnivorous plants who are sent to different planets for worldwide destruction. With all that experience you definitely learn a thing or 2..

Audrey II is in fact very smart, it can manipulate people into doing its bidding with emotional promises, deception and just being a great motivator. Audrey II was able to manipulate and persuade Seymour into killing multiple people and caused Mushnik to try and join him. It's also math smart, being able to mimic the technology of a brilliant scientist, discovering time travel, creating many machines that help it with its plans and being able to create said plans in a very short amount of time. Overall Audrey II is very deceptive, manipulative, smart in many ways and has a very powerful brain to back all of that up. 



Oh shit the Bud has a gun…

Magnifying Glass

You'd probably ask why an alien plant has a magnifying glass? Well I don't have an answer to that.


I don't have an answer for this either. Audrey looks cool riding it tho 


We shouldn't be surprised, we all know Audrey is a true musician.

Flower Float

Audrey II took control of a flower foat, thankfully it being a flower float means they can control a good amount of plant life already.

Shoe Blimp

Plants may stay on the ground, but this plant can go sky high. Wait how do they know how to fly this thing- 


Audrey created a machine based off a genius scientist, where it can automatically turn you into a plantation. Don't let the intimidating size fool you, Audrey also made a second more smaller version. Tho the transformation only lasts a couple of hours.

Trash Contraption 

While this may just seem like a pile of trash (it is.)

This contraption makes it so Audrey can move their Planty essence inside someone and take control of said body, tho the actual process would be very situational since it requires the subject to be in the radius and be standing still. But it's still basically possession.


Plant Physiology 

When you're an alien plant that feeds on people, you definitely have a unique physiology. Of course unlike other plants Audrey doesn't wilt or age, like I stated before it's 200 million years old. The only way Audrey can really be weakened is when it's not fed, but even when it's killed it can create hundreds of copies that'll fulfill its next purpose and they all regain the same abilities as the original Audrey II. Audrey II is able to use its roots to attach to the ground and gain mobility, it can also use its plant limbs to grab and pull things like people or pulling in a small building. Unfortunately it doesn't start off as strong, they start off very small and unable of complete movement and mobility…they need food to grow bigger and develop more overtime. Of course being an alien plant means you have tons of other abilities, like what exactly? Well….


Audrey has the ability to create new plants and buds whenever it pleases! Whether it be attached to itself as extra bite or separate plants that have the same abilities as Audrey itself. In the original ending Audrey created hundreds to thousands of plants that ruled over the planet.

Size Manipulation 

Whenever Audrey II feeds it can grow in size, these things have the potential to grow to the size of a building and release tons of havoc throughout the world. Hell if it wanted to it can shrink back its size and grow more. It even got so big it mimicked an eclipse.


As Audrey said, “All you need is a little vegetable magnetism.” Audrey II is capable of this on a very large scale.  


Audrey II loves to feed on people and delicious bloody bodies, but how does it eat them? Well It can physically eat you and harm you seeing as Audrey died from blood loss and damage done to her, and Audrey II caused a massive blood burst after devouring a man. But it can also store you inside its flower buds where you are helpless and are now PART of Audrey II. Think of it as Absorption, where Audrey II absorbs you and stores you where you constantly give it energy to keep on growing and growing….so basically a mini sarlacc pit.


Audrey II is able to use its control of plants to its advantage, it can create roots that allow it mobility, create giant spikes out of the ground and even bring dead plants back to life and give it sentience. Not to mention it can control trees, furniture, algae and the plant fibers of paper and clothes. Basically if it has plant DNA or material then Audrey II can control it.


And if you're wondering, no…this is not a visual gag..they legit just have this ability and does this feat. (This can apply to most visual gags in the show)

Mind Manipulation 

Throughout most media, Audrey II has the ability of hypnosis. It can automatically hypnotize people into doing its bidding and affect their morals and mental state. Audrey II can also physically implant ideas into people's heads, and it actually affects their mind into doing said idea. 

Broadway Force

Probably Audrey IIs most used ability, this plant can truly make the room a Party Thyme (I'm sorry that was horrible.) We've already established that Audrey II can control plants, but it can of course make them dance and create a Broadway atmosphere. 




  • Successfully took over the entire world with hundreds of copies of itself

  • Tricked Seymour into killing multiple people 

  • Was able to copy the invention of a brilliant scientist and even make said scientist want to steal it for himself 

  • Has had tons of successful Broadway shows

  • Was said to be better than Gremlins and ET







With all the powers and capabilities of the mean green mother, you'd think it's invincible. Well not entirely, you see without feeding on anything the plant can wilt and grow weak..and eventually die. Starvation is Audrey IIs biggest weakness, along with its growth. Yes it can grow to tremendous size but it doesn't start off that way, if you fight it or attempt to kill it in a smaller state then Audrey II is practically helpless in doing anything. Not to mention it's only capable of eating chopped body parts and blood in its smaller state…

Electricity is also a very big weakness, if you expose it to large amounts of electricity then Audrey II will be completely destroyed. As for mental weaknesses, while very smart it's also known for underestimating who they're dealing with and will lower their guard to most attacks because they see all organic life as inferior to itself.

Before the conclusion 

FTL Little Shop?

You see Audrey really wanted to go back in time to the Mesozoic Era and warn the plants of the past and their future demise. Audrey knew the science behind Time Travel and how to accomplish it, but they needed a way to actually do it. So Audrey built a machine that would do just that, but the way they accomplished it is interesting and can make for a neat feat…

Basically they used the theory of “time relapse photography" in which you take the picture of a subject in a photo booth, run the film backward at twice the speed of light on a Ferris wheel, and then see what develops. This comes with the idea that Audrey II knows how to make objects go at twice the speed of light and their tech is capable of doing it. So is it legit? Well the idea is based on a real thing and with the way they described it, yeah the actual idea would be legit. Now would they scale to it? Well…no.

You see Audrey has the "greenprint” and science down and knew what to do, problem is that we never actually see the feat being fact Seymour messes it up before Audrey is able to successfully try it. So there's no real way of seeing if Audrey scales to it, because we don't see it happen. So is the feat itself bunk? Well we gotta ask a more important question, is Audrey a reliable source on this kinda stuff? If we assume Audrey is telling the truth then you can assume that his tech can scale to this kinda feat considering they've made many relative gadgets and machines. Hell they've made tech comparable to one of the smartest scientists in the world. In fact it was so good that said scientist wanted to copy the technology. Also we've mentioned how math smart Audrey is and how they made the science work in the first place. If you trust their word and scale their lower and superior tech to this then FTL is legit…but not for Audrey physically.

Little Shop of Horrors eclipse 

So uh, this is weird lol. Basically when Seymour first discovers Audrey II, he was at a china shop looking for plants. Then a sudden out of nowhere eclipse happened, that only lasted a couple of seconds. During the eclipse a green light sparked and there appeared Audrey II. So there's some speculation that Audrey or at least their race created the eclipse in order to cause Audrey to summon. Now it's an interesting theory but it's not true. It's more likely that Audrey was able to be summoned because of this random eclipse and it's a specific curse. It's a cool argument, there's just nothing that supports it…

Which ending do I prefer?

This is moreso a personal opinion since this question gets asked a lot lmao. While the original bad ending is really cool, considering how great the destruction looks and the deadly implications of it. It goes for making a deal with it the devil and paying the price for it, and letting your sins take over. Fortunately I prefer the theatrical good ending, it has a message of being able to overcome your greed and sin. It shows that even when you let fame and fortune overtake your life, you can still redeem yourself and overcome it to make a better life. Also Seymour and Audrey just deserved a happy ending together, Audrey went through so much physical abuse and torment and really wanted to live a safe happy life with Seymour. All of that just for her and Seymour to die to Audrey does feel wasteful of their potential and character. Especially since this version of Seymour didn't want to kill anyone and didn't actually cause deaths like the musical version. They both deserved to end up happy together and the theatrical cut gives me that happy ending..

Plus it shows that Audrey is still out there and evil never dies..

Preferred Opponent?

Now Audrey II is an extremely fun and unique character for a VS scenario, you'd need someone that can fill in what makes Audrey II so great. So who matches that?

Yeah I don't really have to explain this lol, it's insanely fun and has tons of potential to be a campy but crazy fight. But y'know what, I'll explain it lmao 


When a lovesick desperate loser got a cool new thing from a china market they noticed it was something not from this world and was very unique. These things had multiple origins but it was clear that they would be potentially dangerous. Of course they were really cool at first but then after feeding them, things got out of hand. These things are insanely destructive with their cloning and murderous capabilities and have taken over an entire city before. 


The Dynamic is very fun, you can have a massive army battle, hilarious banter and witty musical humor especially with the Gremlins plot Manipulation. Then you basically have 2 unkillable armies with tons of abilities fighting each other, unstoppable forces vs immovable objects. And the gadget dynamic with all their kits is insanely fun and could make for some baller scenes. And then letting the Gremlins use the god dagger which basically gives you the power of a god and meshing it with all of Audrey's massive plant controlling capabilities would be very cool. And of course having a bunch of giant gremlins fight a bunch of giant Audrey IIs. I mean imagine a scene where Stripe turns a bunch of Audrey's into Gremlins while Audrey turns a bunch of giant Gremlins into plants it can control. Then no matter who wins the fight humanity is fucked.. you could basically have a very dramatic ending to the fight. And the aesthetic matches each other very well along with the vibes of the entire fight.

Thank you stars the funny star man for the funny calc stuff 

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