Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Death By Blog: Shrek vs Beast


“Take hope from the heart of man and you make him a beast of prey." - Quida

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There's an old debate that's been coming up recently, who would rather be alone in the woods with; a Man or a Bear? While there's many answers for that, what if we thought of that question differently? What if Man and Beast were the same, what if the real question was "Would you love a Bear with the heart of a man, or a man with the heart of a bear.” to answer that question we must ask…

Shrek - the Ogre with more emotional layers than an onion.

Beast - the Monster with darkness and no love in his human heart.

You know me, FMT

And it's time to see which Fairytale Freak has the best Arsenal, Abilities and Actions to find out who will be sentenced to Death By Blog

Before We Begin

Now it's tricky to use characters with such a long history and so much media with a complicated canon. Disney/DreamWorks Characters usually have this issue but fortunately I have a solution. 

Now with DreamWorks Characters, they have lots of media along with their already set in stone movies. Games that change events, comics that contradict stuff and crossover games that are just weird. I mean you wouldn't expect a Shrek fighting game huh? Well we're using all of it because we're crazy. (I'm crazy but it makes me look more sane.)

Shrek is already a fantasy Fairytale series with tons of shorts, comics, games and more and simply giving him all that is more fun. Same with Dreamworks crossovers! We won't be using scaling but we will be giving him all his abilities to make things more fun and interesting.

Almost the same case with Beast.

You see Disney Canon is when you use all the history and appearances of a certain character but only use the Disney version for that, which means no other property usage for the Beast. Disney is very known for crossing over their own franchises and characters, and sometimes it is canon as well (Like Descendants). We'll go more into it in (Before the Verdict) but yes crossovers will be accounted for.

Most of the time these crossovers take place before or during the events of the movie, even the movies themselves do this kind of thing so it does line up. So Kingdom Hearts, Descendants and Etc. Tho there's some cases like Kingdom Hearts where we won't be using crossover scaling considering how inconsistent it is, but we will be using feats that actually happen in that world and that Beast can scale to. And of course we're using his mainline material like Movies, Books, Comics, Games and Broadway Musicals (same with Shrek actually..)

As for what we won't use, like I said before it can only be what happens in their respective properties and crossovers using said properties. So no using the Original Shrek book and the Original Beauty and the Beast stories, they're completely different characters not affiliated in these verIons besides being what they're based on.


  • Both are Beasts that were cast out and rejected by the outside world because of their looks and reputations

  • Both stories are deconstructions of the fairytale genre that break stereotypes and criticize the rules of said stories

  • Live in somewhat modern worlds that make fun of and references fairytale stories and their characters 

  • Both grew up with terrible parents who were gone for most of their lives, who were the reason they became the way they are now

  • Both hated Christmas because of their background 

  • Both felt that they were better off alone because they thought that there was no chance of them having a better life, and that solitude was the only solution.

  • Both have beastly attributes that they take out on people close to them but are soft and caring on the inside.

  • Met someone who started off seeing them as a beast, but ended up growing close to them and accepted them for who they were on the inside. In which they fell in love with each other, got married and learned that they could live a life of happiness.

  • Refer to their lovers as the people who “saved them" 

  • Despite having a rough exterior, were actually pretty good dads lol 



"Get out of my swamp!”

Once Upon a time there was an Ogre named Shrek who lived alone in a swamp, living his peaceful days eating Swamp Mice and Bugs, basically the grossest things you can think of. He lived in isolation, for all Ogres grew up learning that happiness and love was something they would never have because of their looks, demeanor and reputation. This Ogre left his family of Ogres when he was only 7 years old and he grew up learning how this great beautiful world would only reject and despise him. Fortunately he was ok with it, and he accepted that maybe his life would be horrible and that was great. He got to scare people away, he got to terrorize whoever he wanted, and best of all he had nobody.. Everything was perfect. But like life always is, sometimes it hits you with something very very annoying.

Shrek was hanging posters of himself like always until a Donkey happened to bump into him, and it turns out he was running away from guards that were trying to capture him. Shrek of course scared them away but once the Donkey saw someone finally be willing to protect him, he became…attached. Shrek just found a new friend, and he was annoying. After letting him stay for one night Shrek also found himself having to get rid of more pests. Turns out someone just dumped a bunch of fairytale creatures onto his land, Shrek had enough of these annoyances and decided to deal with the problem head on..he went to Duloc to deal with the man who has been causing all these problems. After arriving at dulac and defeating all The Lord Farquaad’s knights, he was then assigned a new quest to save a princess. He of course did not want to do so but he was promised that all of the fairytale creatures would be sent off his land, and so Shrek agreed to the terms and went off with Donkey to save the Princess. 

After finally arriving at the castle he and Donkey had to hassle through a nagging pain in the ass, and the dragon guarding the castle. Shrek and Donkey saved Princess Fiona, who of course wanted to show appreciation to her savior, but after seeing it was an Ogre..she was very disappointed. So Shrek decided to just deliver the princess to Farquad, where she kept complaining about her situation until she wanted to find shelter for some reason. After finding shelter for the night, Shrek and Donkey had a conversation about how Shrek didn't actually love his life of loneliness and judgment, in all actuality he wanted people to see him as more than just a stupid ugly Ogre. After Fiona heard this, she had a change of heart for Shrek. Throughout the rest of the Journey, Fiona and Shrek actually bonded a lot and learned more about each other, it seemed they were actually falling in love..but Shrek knew that no one could truly love someone ugly and hideous as he was..and after apparently hearing Fiona confirm this, he decided to give up and get Farquad himself. 

He went back to his Swamp without Donkey or Fiona by his side, he was once again alone without anyone. But after a confrontation and confirmation with Donkey and them rejoicing, Shrek decided that he loved Fiona and that he would stop the wedding between Farquad and Fiona. After riding a dragon (that was in love with Donkey) Shrek interrupted the wedding and proclaimed his love for Fiona, and Fiona revealed that she was actually cursed to turn into an Ogre at sunset. Farquad was enraged and disgusted, so he decided to get rid of both of them..that was until the Dragon came in and ended the Lord's Reign of Terror once and for all. Shrek confirmed his love for Fiona, and she proclaimed her love as well…. Shrek found his true love, he found a better life. He never thought he'd ever have a happy life or people who would love him, but after many journeys, meeting new friends, and even having children of his own; well…I guess you could say that Shrek actually did live Happily Ever After…..


“Get Out." 

Once Upon a time, in a land far far away..a young prince lived in a large majestic castle. Although he had everything he could've ever wanted, he was spoiled, selfish and unkind to all around him. But then on Christmas night, an old woman came to the castle and seeked shelter from the freezing cold, with a lovely rose as an offer. But the Prince scoffed at her, repulsed by her haggard appearance. So he turned his pack on her and left her to freeze out in the cold.. although the Witch warned him not to be deceived by appearances and that true beauty was found within. But whenever he dismissed her again, the woman revealed herself as a beautiful enchantress. The Prince tried to apologize but it was already too late, she had seen that there was no love in his heart. As punishment she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a spell on the castle and all who lived there, created a dark storm around the castle and erased the memories of all the families and loved ones who knew the servants in the castle..

"You have been deceived by your own cold heart, a curse upon your house and all within it. Until you have found someone to love you as you are, you shall remain forever a beast” the enchantress yelled, and so this…Beast was cursed up until his 21st year. If it hits and he never finds someone who will love him as he is, he'll forever be a beast…and all his servants will die as stiff cold objects. Ashamed of this monstrous form, the Beast concealed himself inside his castle, with a book and a magic mirror as his only way to see the outside world. As the years passed, he fell into deep despair and lost all hope..for who could ever learn to love a beast? 

But then, one day an old man came into the castle, ate his food and chatted with his servants. The Beast called him a thief and imprisoned the old man in his chamber where he would stay for as long as he lived. Then a young woman came into the castle claiming she was his daughter, and she stated that she wanted to take her father's place. After some reluctance, the Beast agreed to the terms and replaced the old man with his daughter and let the thief go free. Feeling sorry for the girl he let her have a nicer room with company. His servants then told him that this girl was the one who would break his curse, and that she's perfect for him. Of course he didn't think it was true but he knew he had to work on himself to truly win her heart. Through the course of the story he starts winning her over by showing her that he wasn't just a beast on the outside and that he was sweet and caring on the inside. But after finding out her father was sick and in the cold, the Beast let her free to go and be with her father. 

Then a ton of villagers and rioters came to try and kill the beast, but he wanted to let them come, he didn't want to live anymore. After his servants beat the shot out of all the villagers, it only left a muscular man named Gaston who wanted to take Beast's head and keep Belle for himself. But after seeing Belle come back for him, he fought back and told Gaston to leave his home. Though Gaston didn't want to go down that easily, he stabbed the Beast but ended with the proud hunter falling to his demise. Beast was already very injured, and he was very close to death. In their last moments, Belle then proclaimed her love for the beast..which lifted the Beast's curse. He was transformed into a handsome prince and all of his servants returned to their original state. Belle and the Prince danced the night away, and they lived happily ever after…

Skill and Experience


Now Ogres live very long lifespans, by the end of the series Shrek is over 40 years old, and this Ogre has definitely been through a lot. Shrek has spent countless years fighting off Mobs of people, he fought a dragon, wrestled Knights, fought the fairy godmother herself and even fought a multitude of Fairytale villains. He's fought many opponents larger than him, has dealt with powerful magic for many years and has had minimal combat training when he was stuck in an alternate world. Shrek is also pretty skilled with Medieval weapons and magical McGuffins, he's a fairytale creature after all. 

Shrek is very strategic in planning and how to approach certain situations, he was able to Outsmart someone who has been planning their revenge on Shrek for years. He's also good at handling situations and figuring out how to Outsmart other individuals in combat. And of course being an Ogre, Shrek has a reputation that tends to make people be afraid of him or underestimate his abilities which leaves Shrek open for a surprise strategy. 


Now before he was a Beast, Prince Adam has been involved in lots of training. He trained in horse riding, hunting, philosophy, and he has read many educational books. Prince Adam was very educational and trained in lots of sports. As for Beast himself, you see he was cursed for 21 years and those years were spent on hunting in the forest and fighting off animals outside the castle, and he's seen much life outside the castle with his mirror.

Beast has also fought off magic beings corrupted by the Enchantress and even fought against a trained Huntsman who has killed many Beasts. Beast was 48 by the time of Descendants where he became king and dealt with Other Disney villains. Not to mention he along with Belle became magic guardians fighting off other dark evil beings, and Beast has journeyed with Belle on Adventures a couple of times in his life.



Knights Armor 

What do you need when saving a princess? Ok aside from bravery and guts.. Armor of course! While it's not covering his whole body it's still good at protecting him while fighting a dragon.


Shrek is not inexperienced with swords, he used one to save the princess, Knight someone (horribly) and even used a badass battle sword. To

Battle Equipment 

Shrek has to win Fiona's heart back, thankfully she had all the equipment he needed to impress her (also to defend themselves from Witches) These weapons include maces, axes, shields, hammers and flails!

Fairy Dust

It takes 3 things to fly, forget the other 2 things because all you actually need is the dust. Fairy Dust is capable of making you fly, but only for a short amount of time.


Potions are not new to this world, and Shrek has come across and used many potions through his journey. What kinds of potions? Well I'm glad you asked!

  • Happily Ever After - This potion is Beauty Divine, once you take this potion; you and your true love will be fine.. literally. If you kiss your true love by midnight then you both will stay in your magnificent form of beauty. If not, then you'll revert back to normal.

  • Shrinking Potion - It was supposed to be a bulking potion that would help Gingy grow, turns out it was a shrinking Potion.

  • Purple Potion - this potion will replenish the Party's health by 50% 

  • Pink Potion - this potion will replenish the Party's health by 100%

  • Blue Potion - Temporarily makes the whole party invulnerable to all enemies.

  • Orange Potion - Temporarily increases the whole party's attack damage.

  • Green Potion - Temporarily turns enemies into small frogs making them easier to kill.

All Star Racer

Ah, good ol racing against other popular properties. But for an Ogre to be the andbest at what he does on the track, he needs the best power-ups.

Soap Bubbles

These things leave a slippery trail of soap bubbles that'll definitely give you a hard time.

Bug Spiral

This Item surrounds the Racer with bugs who will pick up nearby obstacles.

Glitter Flowers

These flowery catastrophes hit other racers.

Rhonda Bug

This item summons Rhonda to help racers get closer to other racers.

Shining Heart

This item will temporarily make the player invincible

Super High Five

This thingy gives the racer a temporary speed boost.

Troll House

This Power up can make the racer copy the item they're currently holding.

Poppy's Cowbell 

This Item gives the racer a 3x Speed Boost.

Noodle Cart

When this item drops and you end up hitting it, it'll make noodles splatter over your screen.

Puss’s Guitar

Drops some nice musical notes…

Magic Nanny Bag 

This is a bottomless bag that'll give you 3 random items.

Fairy Godmother's Wand

This item will..smash nearby racers. Seriously?


If you stick an apple to another racer, it can detonate a mini explosion.

Brain Bots

This swarm can hit the player in any direction.


This weapon will speed boost all racers 

Mind Control Helmet

This helmet can reduce the opponents speed!

Rotten Fishes

These fish will make the other racers slip up.


These conniving miscreants will steal an item from another racer.

Yin Yang Shield

This is a shield that will protect the racer from opponents.

Kai’s Swords

This will not only give the racer a speed boost, it will also knock out nearby racers.


These are just random items Shrek got throughout the games lol


Enchanted Mirror 

Like it says above, the Mirror will show the beast anything he wishes to see. And as long as you imagine what you want to see, you will see it. It is said you can basically see the entire world inside this mirror. It's also able to prevent opponents from inflicting harmful efforts and it can also reflect damage back to the attacker.

The mirror is actually key to the curse as well. It's power is capable of spreading the Beasts curse to far more than just the castle and it's able to cause death to those part of the curse. And it can undo the harmful effects of the curse while being dependent on the Beast's emotions. The Mirror also created illusions and false images based on what the Beast wants to see.

Enchanted Rose

The Rose is the key to the Beast's curse. Whenever all of its petals fall, it will cause the beast to never revert back to human no matter the circumstances. He will stay a beast for as long as he lives ….it's also able to flip harmful affects and heal an ally, along with giving allies more defense and Tenacity.

It also has very magical properties, when Belle uses its magic; it's able to reverse magic curses that transform any life (though it's not strong enough for more powerful curses) It can fight back against enchantments and create force fields and shields, it can manipulate plants and create magical attacks. And of course being what caused the curse, it can bring objects to life as backup. 

Enchanted Book

Along with the Mirror, the enchantress also gave Beast this magical book. It allows the reader to go anywhere they can imagine, no matter when or where. Belle chose to go to Paris in the 1300’s

Book of Nevermore 

Now it was stated that Beast has tons of enchanted books, this one is very interesting. Whenever you look into this book, you get transported to the story/world inside the book called Nevermore. Everything seems real, everything looks real and feels real, but it puts tons of illusions and weird effects on you. It's almost like you're inside an entirely new world. Unfortunately if you were to eat three things and leave three things in Nevermore, you would be bound to the world inside the book forever. 

(It also seems that once someone is in Nevermore, nobody else on the outside can enter it.)

Music Box 

Whenever Beast is feeling too stressed out and is in a bad mood, he has music that'll help him relax and calm down enough..

Fireplace Poker

Not only is this tool good for settling a fireplace, it's probably also a really good weapon when you just wanna..poke someone.

Hunting Rifle 

Back when he was a little shit, he merely hunted for the fun of it. God imagine a beast with a gun, that's terrifying..


Prince Adam was a harsh type, he even used the jagged sword in the era of Royalship. Let's not think about what he probably used the sword for tho..

Small Knives

Well these knives aren't actually small…they're decently sized knives they're just small to the beast.

Medieval Weapons

In a castle with much medieval architecture with French Gothic heritage, you'll definitely get a sense of weaponry. This arsenal includes Battle-axes, Swords of many kinds and Maybe even some Guns or Maces !

War Hammer

Holy shit, that's actually badass 

Guardians Armor 

Beast Vowed to be the guardian of his castle and the protector of those wandering his forest. To protect the dozens from magical enemies, he uses his protective spirit and powerful armor. Which comes with a powerful Ax that'll aid him in combat.

Speedstorm Racer

When you're racing on the track, you need a car that'll give you the best luck in winning. Of course in all racing games there's abilities and add-ons to your racer.

Credit to the Disney Speedstorm Wiki


Press to instantly get nitro fuel. Hold to get a bit more nitro fuel over time.


Press to shoot a bouncy projectile that disrupts opponents. Hold to shoot a guided projectile. Activate backwards to spawn a disruptive wall.


Press to throw a fast unguided ricocheting projectile. Use backwards to throw a very slow unguided projectile. Hold to throw a very slow guided projectile.


Press to protect yourself from one hit. Hold to activate an aura that Stuns one opponent

Enchanted Rose

Unleash a very short roar, Stunning all opponents in front of you. Use this Skill three times during a race to enter Rage Mode, in which all Skill boxes grant this Skill.

Enchanted Rose (Charged)

Leap forward a very short distance. Use this Skill three times during a race to enter Rage Mode, in which all Skill boxes grant this Skill.

Kingdom Hearts Items

When a character is able to have 8 item slots in their inventory, you know they're absolutely useful. Let's see what Beast has access to..

Of course we're not giving Beast Key Items since those are mostly story driven items used by Sora.

We will only be using Usable Items

Credit to the Kingdom Hearts wiki


Restores 30 HP of one character.


Restores 60 HP of one character.


Restores 30 HP of each party member.


Restores 3 MP of one character.


Restores 3 MP of each party member.


Fully restores a character's HP and MP


Fully restores the party's HP and MP.


Fully restores the party's HP.

Camping Set

Restores all HP and 3 MP of each party member.


Fully restores the party's HP and MP.

Defense Up

Raises Defense by 1.

AP up

Raises max AP by 1.

Power up 

Raises Strength by 1.



Ogre Physiology 

Take a look at him, what's the first thing you notice? Yes he's very tall but he's also an Ogre, and Ogres are not like humans. Ogres naturally have more bones than humans, emit a natural stench that keeps people away and they have the ability to create a horn frequency from their ears. Ogres also have a naturally gifted sense of smell, which makes sense since they're great at smelling all kinds of things. 


Better out than in, they always say aye? Well we might wanna retract that statement since Shreks farts are actually capable of more than what you think. They're able to poison and kill a fish, cause fairies in jars to cough up, and even affect Stone Dragon (who isn't even a living being lmao) He can even create large farts that temporarily stun you. Now there are a couple of statements about Shrek saying his stink could kill people automatically but..yeah it's never actually happened lol. Shrek does kinda exaggerate Ogres, his farts can poison and kill smaller animals like Fish and Fairies but they won't automatically kill you…seeing as there's multiple contradictions to his stench just killing people 


This is the part where you run away. And for good reason, his roars not only are very intimidating but they can even create a strong gust of wind That can blow away people near him. They're even strong enough to repel water.

Broadway Force

Of course a Fairytale would have an epic grand musical, and of course it's insanely EPIC.

Super Slam Abilities 

Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam! Shrek super slam is where you can use your favorite characters to battle it out in an epic slamfest. Each character has a slam ability, Shrek has an ability called “Green Storm" that creates a large fart cloud in which it'll send enemies flying. 

Now's a good time to also mention all the items and power-ups Shrek gets from Superslam!


  • Giant Ham - You're probably asking, why a giant ham? I can't answer that question 

  • Fart Wand - with this wand anyone can harness the Green Storm attack.

  • Floating Air Mines - Wanna be Robin Hood? You can be better with these rocket arrows.

  • Hammer of Smiting - a giant silver hammer made for smiting your opponents!

  • Pot O’ Gold Grenades - a dope pot full of coins, but when thrown it'll create a massive explosion 

  • Fireball Wand - this wand is capable of launching a big explosive fireball

  • Gravity Wand - you can fling opponents into walls with this thing!

  • Ice Wand - Ice to meet you, well not really since this wand will automatically freeze you.

  • Beehive - when this hive is thrown, make sure to not let the bees attack you.

  • Magnet - with this wand you can now pull opponents in for a tussle.

  • Pirate Cannon - cannonballs. Ricochet cannonballs….

  • Fairy Bazooka - not all fairies are nice, launch these fairies and they'll track you down for attack.


  • Rocket Sauce - this sauce can increase attack and movement speed.

  • Max Slam Juice - When drunk, this drink enables your slam attack.

  • Invisibility Potion - you disappear for a limited amount of time!

  • Invulnerability Potion - you cannot take damage for a limited amount of time!

  • Mystery Mix - maybe you'll get a good potion, maybe you won't 

Magical Items

  • Viking Horned Helmet - this helmet will turn every hit into a slam.

  • Dragon Mask - this mask will make you breathe fire like a dragon!

  • Kings Crown - people will be too busy cheering for the king while this crown is on.

  • Magic Mirror Mask - this mask will deflect all missiles!

  • Pill Bug Ball - transform into a ball and ROLLLL

  • Dragon Sword - with this sword you can harness the might of a dragon and launch a fiery attack!


Beast Physiology 

As a beast, he's physically very much more powerful than he ever was. He was able to take on a whole pack of wolves and he's capable of destroying anything in his path with his claws and strength. Also this form comes with Night Vision and Breath capable of producing steam.. Of course this form does come with a Cost, well…he's a beast. Not to mention this form does affect him psychologically. The longer he's in it the more feral he becomes and could risk losing all his humanity…but what does Beast have in this form?

Enhanced Senses

Of course being a Beast means you have animal-like senses. Beast was able to track down and Find Belle after she ran away and was being attacked by Wolves far from the castle. He's also able to scent where people are or have been, and can scent dead bodies.

Broadway Force

The Beast isn't new to Broadway. In fact he's rather ingrained in the musical arts…


As seen above, Beasts roars are able to emit some sort of soundwave that can momentarily paralyze you. It also works on objects.

Sorcerers Arena

In a land where all powerful Disney characters can duke it out in missions and story drives, Beast was certainly worthy to be considered a high ranking Battle Beast along with Belle.

Feral Claw

This attack deals a large amount of damage to an opponent twice. And can attack again if Beast or the targeted opponent have a Harmful effect.

Get Out!

Can deal a large amount of “unavoidable damage" to all opponents. He can also intimidate opponents and prevent them from using harmful effects.

Beastly Rage

Can steal all shields from the target opponent ignoring evasion, then deal a large amount of damage. 

The Curse 

Gains an amp for a maximum duration that can resist all harmful magic effects. He can gain 40% defense, Always deal critical strikes and can get empowered.

Master of the Castle

Beast has a 50% bonus chance to resist "intimidate” which would prevent him from using harmful effects. He also gains a 50% or 100% bonus speed meter.

Mirrorverse Abilities 

You see, in the Mirrorverse; Stellar Magic amplifies characters and their abilities. Stellar Magic amped the Beasts protective spirit and gave him new parks and traits added on to his powerful build.

Of course credit to the Mirrorverse Wiki 

Steadfast Protector

When Beast hits an enemy with his Heavy Attack, he has a 60% chance to gain 10% Armor.

Each 1% of Armor on Beast passively grants an additional 0.5% Attack.

Intimidating Roar

Deals 400% damage and causes Knock Back to all enemies in an arc.

Beast gains 20% Armor.

True Understanding 

If any of Beast's allies reach 20% HP or below, Beast and that ally gain a 90% Damage Resist Buff for 10 seconds and Beast Lures all enemies targeting that ally for 10 seconds. This effect will only activate once per encounter for each teammate.

Beast Purges all Attack Buffs from the enemy team.

Enemies Lured by Beast are inflicted with Attack Buff Block for 10 seconds.

Beastly Rage

Grants +20% Attack at the start of an encounter.

Family Armor 

Grants +20% Defense at the start of an encounter.

Protective Instincts 

If Beast or any of his allies are inflicted with any Debuff, Beast gains a 40% Defense Buff for 10 seconds. [Max Stacks: 1]

Vicious Strikes 

Beast's Heavy Attack and Special Ability have a 70% chance to inflict a Wound dealing 5% damage per second for 5 seconds. [Max Stacks: 1] When a Wound expires on Beast, he is Healed for 3% HP.

Stalwart Sentinel 

When Beast is Healed, he gains an 80% Attack Buff for 3 seconds [Max Stacks: 1]. This effect has a 3 second cooldown after it expires.

Cursed Forest Watcher 

If Beast is Knocked Back, he has a 10% chance to gain 3.5% Armor per second, to a maximum of 40% Armor. 

Kingdom Hearts Abilities 

When Sora and his pals needed help to defeat the heartless and stop Xaldin, they fortunately knew someone with the power and fierceness to help with that exact job.

Credit to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki

Ferocious Lunge 

Lunge at an enemy from a distance. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]

Furious Bellow

Knock out surrounding enemies with a raging bellow. [Special attack. Cost: 1 MP.]

Critical Plus

Increases odds of dealing critical damage. Equip more to boost effect.

MP Rage x2

Recover MP whenever you're hit in battle. Heavier damage restores more MP. Equip more to boost effect.


Boosts attack power when HP is critically low. Combine with a weapon skill for more power.

Second Chance 

Keep 1 HP even after taking a critical hit.

Second Wind

Recover from KO status quickly with HP fully restored.

Furious Shout

Roars to attack nearby enemies

Ferocious Rush

Charges forward and tackles enemies.

Item Boost 

Boosts the effectiveness of healing items like Potions.


Increases defense when HP is critical

Auto Limit 

Sets the Reaction command to Limit, if a Limit has been equipped.

Hyper Healing 

Quickly revives a fallen party member and restores their HP.

Howling Moon

The Limit Twin Howl becomes available. Sora and Beast attack enemies from all sides with blast-like moves.



Human Form

Cute Button nose? Thick Wavy Locks? Top Round buttocks?? This is what happens when Shrek drinks the Happily Ever After Potion.


Human Form

No real abilities aside from being a MASSIVE downgrade from before.

Fully Cursed

If Beast were to have his animal instincts take over and his curse gets the better of him; he'll become a more monstrous deadly version of himself. He can completely withstand bullets and will not hesitate to automatically attempt to kill someone in cold blood.

Thankfully this is most likely non standard, at least normally. As long as he loves Belle and She loves him, he'll never go back to this state. Also the rose has to be destroyed for the curse to be in effect.




To put the spook and scare into people, Shrek can summon spiders to truly put terror into people's hearts. And stomachs !!

Magic Mirror

Basically no matter what media you go through, you always witness the Magic Mirror helping Shrek out. He can tell you where anything is, stream TV shows and give you lots of directions.

Swamp Beast

After Donkey got his hands on the FGM’s wand, he used it to turn a bunch of things into other things..or something. When he turned a snail into a Swamp Beast, Shrek used it for racing purposes!

Pants Phantoms 

After eating a very disgusting dinner, Shrek got the ability to make his farts more ravenous than before. They now become Fart Phantoms that can physically attack you and play dirty. Tho don't be confused they're not actual ghosts, they're more like beings made of slime and gas. And they can be taken out by Harsh winds and fire!


Shrek has a loaded dragon and he's not afraid to use it, similarly to donkey Shrek is able to whistle and Summon dragon.


Now we already know Beast has hundreds of servants that turned into many objects, and we also know these guys can put up a hell of a fight to defend their home and the beast. Who does the Beast have access to? Let us see.

(Btw I would've put these guys in the arsenal section since they're mostly objects and Beast has used them as a physical arsenal and weapons before, but I think putting them in support makes more sense.)

Room Servants 

You got yourself some chairs, drawers,lamps, shades, stands and more. There's also a chest that's able to just..digest you LMAO 

Kitchen Staff

Be our guest for the rest of this showcase to see why this category is best. We have forks, knives and spoons, and fancy dinner plates in each room. Champagne Bottles, Kettles that bubble and a chef that's an oven ain't that sweet? Pots and Pans, Cogsworth has a gun and shear, and all the candles can control their heat!

(Potts and Lumiere actually have some good abilities on their own.)

Cleaning servants 

Need a room clean? Worry not, the beast has tons of brooms, mops, brushes and feather dusters to help keep a room spotless.

Gardening Servants 

When you need gardening done, you need some good equipment. Like Cutters, pots, shears, hammers, buckets and more!

Christmas Servants

It's Christmas Time again, and when it's Christmas time you need some great decorations. These servants give the YuleTide season a great look with Wreaths, Ornaments, Lights and of course the Angel..

Boiler Room Servants

To keep the castle warm and toasty, the boiler room Servants chop up wood and logs and throw em into the furnace to keep everything nice and warm. The servants compose of axes, picks, brooms, shovels and an actual furnace.

Knights Armor 

It wouldn't be a fancy castle without a bunch of knights Armor with sharp weapons for no reason. Gives Beast a good chance with defense tho 

Phantom Knights 

These Shadow knights do more than just stand there, they can pop out of paintings and attack you right then and there.

Living Books

These books won’t just help you with reading, they'll help you learn defense. As in they'll literally kick you ass just because.


Beast has many stone Gargoyles in his castle, some more aggressive than most. 







  • Gained the people's love and respect after stopping multiple villains from commiting magic genocide 

  • Was able to defeat the Fairy Godmother herself 

  • Became royalty and almost became the King of Far Far Away

  • Got married and even became a respectful father

  • Became one of the Biggest faces of his studio 






  • Gained the people's love and respect after stopping D’arque from commiting magic genocide 

  • Was able to banish all the infamous Disney Villains

  • Became royalty and became the King of Auradon

  • Got married and even became a respectful father

  • Became one of the Biggest faces of his studio 






Donkey and Puss


  • Her transformation broke multiple windows in Farquad's castle

  • Was able to spin a large crystal ball on her finger

  • Is able to react while being Frozen (Mach 1.4) (Supersonic)







The Enchantress 



While Shrek is very strong and athletically fit, he's one of the weaker ogres of his kind. He tends to be easily overpowered and thrown off by people stronger or bigger by him. Plus he has a tendency of getting angry and aggravated pretty easily, which also comes with his tendency of underestimating his opponents and overestimating his status as an Ogre. 


While the Beast is a ravenous and dangerous foe, his body is probably his greatest weakness. He's known for constantly lashing out and getting easily angered, which causes him to lose his sense of self and only be driven by rage. Also the longer he stays in his Beastly form, the more he will act like a Beast. Which means he's in danger of losing his humanity.

Before the verdict 

Dragon Soul Destruction?

Farquaad lives! But seriously in the short film “Ghost of Farquaad" We see the powerful ruler come back as a spirit to haunt Shrek once again. After a bunch of shenanigans and getting defeated again, it seemed like Dragon used her fire to destroy Farquaad’s soul and keep him dead forever. Unfortunately this isn't true, after these events it's shown that Farquad is still alive and perfectly fine. And Farquaad continued to haunt Shrek after this, so what actually happened?

Well using the context of the comic, Farquaad simply ran away and the fire caused him to retreat back into hiding. He knew he had failed and had to think of another plan of attack, unfortunately Farquaad never ended up winning and probably just gave up on his plan-

Bloodwolf Scaling?

Alright let's do this. Now in the Puss in Boots series, there's a character named Bloodwolf who's very VERY powerful and is the main character threat against Puss in Boots. First off, he claimed he could destroy the world through fear absorption [5:33]. His power on its own is able to Illuminate the moon red [which should be around City Level] Not to mention it was able to send electric pulses around the entire planet to create a massive beam of light. [21:14]. Now yes Puss is generally seen as weaker than Bloodwolf, he and the supporting cast deal damage to him and take damage from him. Also Bloodwolf is able to take direct damage from the Archanham, a planet destroying artifact [2:51]. All the Info about the artifact is in this episode as well. In which the earth was going to crash into the netherworld told to destroy it [4:31]. Also Puss was able to defeat his GF, who was empowered by the artifact [8:51]. Want more scans? Well, the Archanham was also able to protect everyone from the power of Obelisk, which was able to turn the earth into dust [14:50]. Hell, a Wizard with the Archanham stated that Puss is too powerful to coexist with the Archanham in San Lorenzo [15:40]. So how powerful is Bloodwolf? Well seeing that his energy created an energy beam capable of illuminating the moon and sending the beam to Earth. If we use the energy output (as in if we STEAL stars calc.. thanks pookie) then this would be Dwarf Star 

Now there is another calc within the show that is very interesting. You see Puss gets trapped inside a book where one of his old enemies controls him and messes with him through multiple stories. But then Puss gets tired of it and with the power of his head bone, he overpowers his enemy and takes control of the story where he zooms through space and lands in another Story. Now (once again using stars calc hehe) this feat would get MFTL+

So that's done and done right? Well this part is mostly debatable. Now while this is an Amp Puss gets and is a form he can only access in this book, he still reacts to his speed and lands in another story; as well as being blitzed beforehand. So this would definitely correlate in reaction speed, but what about Travel speed? Well that depends on what you'd buy, There's Pros and Cons to it. The Pros are that he dodges magical attacks by his enemies magic pen, which was able to power the book and make all the events happen. The Con is that you can argue that since Puss overpowered him in the first place and took over the book, the Pen shouldn't scale since it only writes things down and was easily overpowered anyways. Either way, this would mean Puss has MFTL+ reaction speed and debatably has MFTL+ travel speed. 

Did Rumple survive his universe tearing apart?

So this feat has VERY high implications in terms of what is said about it. Now in the events of Shrek Forever After, it's stated that Rumple’s deal created an entirely new alternate Universe while tearing Shreks world apart. But at the end of the movie Shrek makes the deal null and void which causes everything to go back to normal, but it also causes this entire new universe to be physically torn apart with Rumple seemingly surviving its destruction.

Now this would mean his magic has Universal implications, but Rumple just doesn't scale to it. He never actually survives its destruction, like everyone else he just gets teleported back to the original world to face punishment for what he did. Plus there's many novels and screenplay that only state “Everything around Rumple was tearing apart" so he wasn't even affected by said destruction. Then why was Rumple so terrified you ask? Well that's simple, everything he's worked for and what he's finally achieved has been taken away from him once again, he's essentially seeing his whole world and dream rip apart in front of his eyes.

Descendants Scaling?

So..first things first. DESCENDENTS IS CANON.

That's right you heard me right, Descendants is completely canon and connected to all its properties and media used. There's many official statements about it being canon to said media and actually being part of it. You see Descendants takes place after all the media you have seen before, how does the timeline work? (Look I can't answer every question just go with it.) So yes, Canonically all the Disney entities are connected to each other and are part of the same world. This includes Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, Aladdin, Snow White, Princess and the Frog etc etc etc…. everything. And lots of characters physically scale to each other.

First off, all the children regain the powers and abilities their parents possessed which of course means it's easy to scale them. Even for Beast, you see while the curse may have diminished..it's still..in there. There's statements about the Beast Shedding; he and Ben have moments where they're prepared to charge at enemies like feral animals, and have animal-like tendencies. Ben even ended up getting his curse fully exposed and became a danger to the main cast. (Also we can't assume that a Teenage Prince is stronger than his Dad's actual Beast form that is pretty much feared in this world..)

So what does Beast scale to? Well at least the basic stuff. Ben was able to fight off pirates and Gil (son of Gaston) who were relative to the main cast, not to mention in a novel Ben was able to Stab Madam Mim and stun her (who's an equal to Merlin, a very powerful magic user even in this world who had power over the main villains and even disciplined a Teenage Hades). While Beast would at least scale to the base stuff since we're using him at his physical peak, he would possibly downscale to characters like Hades or FGM..but it's just a maybe. After all, Base Mal could scale to the FGMs wand with Maleficent's staff which had powerful enough magic to trap Hades (which also shows Base characters surviving attacks from Hades). It does make sense of course, Beast was able to gain the power of King and basically intimidate all who met him. And in beast form, Ben was able to terrify the cast and almost slash them. Hell Beast himself growled at fucking Hades (plus Hades was just hurt by a dog, we can do whatever we want with scaling..)..so yeah Beast should scale to some at least decent stuff. Like…….

The VK’s

The Originals

Hades (uh oh.)

So you're probably wondering, how shall we approach this? Well…idk either but we'll do our best! Now the easiest way to do this is to say “Well Beast scales to Hades so he's MSS!" Well it's more complicated than that. In order to use his full power, Hades uses an artifact called the "Hades Ember” that grants power over even the strongest magical beings. It's notable that he's never used the Ember to its full extent of power on people he's attacked, and not even Mal was able to use its full power (she had to contain it elsewhere to actually even use it) tho her dragon form can contain it, it's way more powerful than Base tiers. Now Hades without the ember is still very powerful and he still has the powers of a god, so I made the decision of letting base characters downscale to Base Hades by using the lowest ends for casual god feats. Alright, let's begin…

(TLDR, Beast scales to Large Star and MFTL+)

Enchantress Scaling?

So this may seem weird, the Enchantress is the one who cursed the Beast..how would he scale to her?? Yeah it may look far-fetched but it actually makes sense. The Enchantress put her best magic into the Beast's curse, and he's basically a part of her magic. In fact she states herself his power and magic is so much it'd take a bunch of the most powerful magic users to really help him. Not to mention the Beast should be above the ex magic user Frederick D’Arque who physically tormented the enchantress and extracted her magic for years.

Also Beast should physically scale to the magic and creatures that were able to actually kill her. PLUS Corrupted D’arque as mentioned before was able to blitz and tank Belle's magic which was able to mess with the Enchantress magic and physically fight back against her magical properties. And Beast was able to completely Overpower D’arque in combat…

Bonus Fanart!


(By me!!! FMT!!)

Fight Script 

Read this cool fight script that I made myself!!!


Now as you can imagine, this matchup is actually closer than you thought. I thought the same way! Which is why I wanted this to be my first blog to have supporting verdicts! So others can give their opinion on the result of this fairytale clash!!


Idk why I'm here

The dude that joined every blog is back at it again!

Was pretty surprised on how the blog turned out and didn't expect to make a whole verdict about this mu anyway now uh let see who truly wins this.


Feat wise Shrek has been able to throw donkey to orbit and took down an entire tower which should be around 608 tons of TNT or Multi city block+ and being above king Harold will get him mach 1.6 speed. Now scaling to character like dragon and puss, dragon has shown to fly fast enough to reach mach 99.5- mach 199 or massively hypersonic and being able to make a hole in a mountain which got 19.4 kilotons or town level.

With puss n boot not only he scales to Brigantia who stop an earthquake (62.2 gigatons ) and Artephius who can make storms that can start a new ice age (7.9 gigatons) However you could get him even higher in strength with the bloodwolf…. Depending if you buy it (or not) the bloodwolf was able to illuminate the moon to red which will get to 28.28 megaton but he also was able to send a beam to earth which is potentially in the dwarf star range. As for speed he is also capable of dodging an attack which got 53% the speed of light (or relativistic) and could potentially be 43.5 million c to 9.2 quadrillion times the speed of light.

Now for beast he was able to destroy a web and ice barrier which surround the castle and scaling to the enchantress who magic was able to a massive storm it will give beast multi city block strength (132.4 tons of tnt) to 6.9(nice) megatons however with stuff like descendants you could get higher like frigeed making who created a large blizzard which got 22.6 megatons and the cast being able to make storms which maleficent and Ursula feat getting 339.3 kilotons to 679.6 kilotons and 2.2 teratons respectfully.

With downscaling from Hades you can get beast around the star to large star range from Hercules lifting the sun and also tearing a hole in the night sky which got large star.

Now on to speed beast has shown to move to sound notes which got around mach 76.7 or high hypersonic+ and with descendent should be able to scale to Prince Philip reacting to lightning which got mach 260.5 and Aladdin who also dodge 

lightning. There also a few other speed feat like Ariel who swim to Atlantic to Antarctica and her reacting to king triton trident blast, latter of which could get 8.2% percent or sub relativistic speed

However tho you can get much higher with hook’s ship being around 6 millions time the speed light ,the gods turning multiple animals into constellation which got 3.07 billions time the speed of light and the Magic carpet which could fly from the Palace of Agrabah to the Shadow Realm which is 23 Trillions the speed of light.

So overall in term of lower end feats Shrek will be 1.29- 2.59 time faster and 146.52 time stronger with the low end of the enchantress however beast will be 355.67 time stronger with the high end of enchantress feat

Tho if you get into there highest argument Shrek will reach around island to potentially dwarf star level of strength and 53% the speed of light to 9.2 quadrillion c while beast will be small country level to large star level of strength and 8.2% percent the speed of light to 6.07 billions c which will make Shrek speed advantage to a 6.46 speed gap to a 400 time speed gap while beast strength advantage being a 35.367 time difference to a 88036.082 time difference.

So overall in most ends, Shrek usually takes the speed advantage while the beast takes the strength advantage. 

Arsenal and ability 

So in terms of both abilities and arsenal Shrek has a few potions that can do shrinking,healing,stats increase, transmuted you to a frog, invisibility and invulnerability(and have that with all stars racing). With his all star racing he can increase his speed 3 times which will make him increase the speed gap,speed decrease,can copy or steal items with troll house and monkeys and the ying yang shield which protects you from damage. Other than that he has swords,fire manipulation with fireball wand,Dragon Mask, dragon herself and pepper,ice manipulation with ice wand,gravity manipulation with gravity wand, self transmutation with Pill Bug Ball,explosion,sleep manipulation,fart that can stun yo,shrinking, invisibility and making people love you?( Love wincon 🧐). For resistance he can resist fire,ice and a bit of poison.

Now the Beast with the enchanted mirror can undo “ harmful effects" and the rose can increase defense and make forcefield and can somewhat paralyze you in fear with his roar. With the book of nevermore he can bfr shrek to a world he can't escape from making it so the beast can win from bfr.

With kingdom hearts he has a few items and abilities that are capable of healing himself, stats increase,prevent getting one shot and resurrection for him and his allies. With Mirrorverse and Sorcerers Arena he has stuff like stats increase, have attacks that are “unavoidable”, preventing harmful effort with get out,can ignore evasion and steal shields with beastly rage and a defense  boost and maximum duration that prevents harmful magic effects.

So looking at this overall both have similar things like stats increase but Shrek the only one with stats decrease and has useful stuff like invulnerability, invisibility and can steal or copy beast ito steal his healing item beast not only resist transmutation and Shrek ice manipulation but with able to bypass shrek protection or even resurrect himself make it so Shrek can't fully take him down plus the fact the fact beast has a attack that is considered unavoidable make it so he has one attack that would pretty much hit him. So overall I will probably give this to beast

Skill and experience 

While both are around the same age and fought magical beings before despite beast training in hunting, Shrek has shown to have better combat training and strategies in a fight compared to the beast. So overall probably will side with Shrek for this.


In conclusion while Shrek will be a lot faster in most ends while the beast is a lot stronger in most ends. In term of abilities and arsenal Shrek can steal and copies healing item which includes things that can fully heal him and invulnerability and shield can protect some beast hit….tho however beast not only has way to bypassed the shields plus shrek would need to kill him twice with the resurrection plus has a few aoe attack that Shrek won't be able to dodge. And while Shrek is a better strategist and fighter the strength gap is too big to matter so I will say i think beast wins this.


Hello here folks from far far away lands, today we are looking at one of the characters who is so beloved yet so under researched until this moment, one of my fav cartoon guys and fictional ogres - Shrek! Against a classic but unexpectedly strong foe, Beast from Beauty and the Beast. The Match honestly while not as satirical as I think a Shrek MU should be (that award probably goes only to Conker rn), but in its own right is still really nice and touches some of Shrek’s deepest “layers”, the only problem here personally was probably the dynamic. It seemed like Beast either does nothing or too much against Shrek whether you do or do not straight up composite him, I’m glad to be a bit wrong here more or less, cause Beast got a lot more stuff than I thought he’d have normally. Well that took my curiosity a lot more so I don’t think I can skip a blog with this amount of stuff to cover. 

Now that said let’s get to it, first off right off the bat - Stats. With direct feats alone Beast is much faster while Shrek is notably a lot stronger, which makes sense, he got a lot more standalone time to do some weird kind of feat by himself. However, with scaling tables turning 180 degrees, because yeah, Beast may not get Kingdom Hearts shenanigans or Mickey Mouse scaling, he did however get his hands on other Disney classics, which essentially means Maleficent vs Jafar is the same series MU??? Probably yeah, quite funky turnabouts but it also means that partially just like Aladdin is doing fairly well in standing up against Hercules, Beast gets scaling to some of the more casual god feats, which notably stronger than Shrek’s strongest feats he could scale to, maybe even upscale to cause it should be pretty obvious that he physically is stronger than Puss in Boots. Speed wise however Shrek may become much quicker, meaning that stats aside we are gonna need to cover some of the other stuff, around their arsenal, powers and skills to see who could use what to their advantage.

Let’s start with skills, Beast is a lot more book smart, given his royal past gets him some more academic knowledge, but as soon as he became Beast his skills don’t go much beyond hunting. In which case Shrek, while not the kind of guy to read educational books and go through some special training, still portrayed a lot more skill throughout the media he was in, given the sheer variety of foes he had to fight against, and lots of lands he traveled through in a far far away, that at this point Shrek is a lot more naturally adaptable fighter.

Power and arsenal wise, Beast has plenty to throw, aside from his own servants, who while useful still are mostly your common objects that can be easily thrown off if not killed, Shrek’s farts help in that case in more ways than one, being a strong AoE and also living “ghosts”.  Beast still has some weapons and powers here and there but Shrek is pretty notably more versatile, Shrek Super Slam + Shrek 2 turns Shrek into insanely versatile foe, compared to which, Beasts’ additional bonuses mostly add in numbers, for instance Shrek can make himself invisible, make Beast fall in love with him, shrink Beast, make Beast fall asleep, shoot farts with a wand or slam him around with a telekinetic wand, options are just here and there. Some of the better Beast stuff can be heavily useful but require a good amount of set-up in comparison. Still though it is possible for Beast to make a fatal blow eventually, after all for Beast it takes one good hit while Shrek needs to do plenty of cheap damage, and doesn’t have any solid healing methods to use that could save him from death.

This leaves us with 2 options either Shrek uses some of the incap options and kills while effects are active, or Beast kills Shrek. Answer to which is a bit complicated to answer which we probably must look back at their approaches. In which case while yes they are usually more brawl kind of mfs, Shrek is more often prone to use potential tactics, it’s very much possible for Beast to note that Shrek is much quicker while for Shrek to note that he can’t dent Beast, therefore they must come up with more reasonable countermeasures against each other’s advantage. In which case with their stuff in hands, Shrek has a lot more opportunities. As mentioned earlier some of the best Beast stuff requires a bit more preparations, which Shrek can still may counter in some ways, but that being said, Beast has one way to countermeasure Shrek’s speed advantage that being his roar, but contextually more often on either side it works out due to how intimidating it is rather than being a literal paralysis infliction, so chances are Shrek won’t really be frightened by it. Plus it doesn’t paralyze forever, so if Shrek is in a safe distance he still reasonably should have some chances to avoid it. However once Shrek hits Beast with one of the many potions, Beast would leave himself fairly open for Shrek to do anything, until he hits him with a more deadly transmutation option at which point Beast shouldn’t be as strong as he was (given complete temporary change in physiology). 

This fight was pretty far from being as one sided to many’s surprise, Beast was stronger foe and given a moment he could definitely deal with Shrek in a few blows, but Shrek’s speed, versatility with haxes and more strategic thinking made sure for him to stay living horrible ever after Ogre we know and love. The winner is Shrek.  

Now place bets whether you see LEGO BR or Raz vs Omori earlier…   



First of all, many, many thanks to my friend FMT for inviting me to participate in this blog (this guy is the best). It’s an honor to be here and share my verdict alongside the other participants.

Secondly, this is my second blog on Shrek (series), so I’ll clarify many things I should have addressed in the Mao Mao VS Puss blog.


I’ll start with the essentials: strength and durability.

On Shrek’s side, I’ll be brief. Shrek has done things like defeating Merlin, causing his tower to be destroyed and turned to dust (608 tons), resisting attacks from the Dragon, who destroys part of a mountain (161 tons - 19 kilotons), and scaling to Puss, who can be compared to Brigantia, known for causing earthquakes (64 gigatons) and scaling to Artephius, whose magic creates the ice age (7.9 gigatons).

Regarding Dwarf Star, while I have no major issues with the feat in question, there’s still a problem: consistency.

This feat is incredibly superior to anything else seen in the verse, even more than the highest feats. Characters have consistently been shown to reach Island level at most, and such a high level contradicts everything else seen in the entire Shrek franchise. However, there might be something that can provide consistency...

“Bloodwolf illuminated the Moon?”

This isn’t very relevant overall, but it has been used to claim that Shrek characters can do this.

It’s argued that Bloodwolf can illuminate the moon and turn it red, which is completely false and taken out of context. There’s a huge problem: the blood moon is not just a regular moon illuminated red; they are different. We see the normal moon in the sky, and seconds later, we see the blood moon appearing from another side where the normal moon isn’t. This means Bloodwolf never illuminated the moon to make it red; the blood moon is simply red on its own. And before you think it could be the sun, let me clarify that the sun was covered by the moon when Bloodwolf arrived at San Loreanzo, so this feat is dismissed.

However, if you still decide to use it, there’s a way to quantify it. Illuminating the moon for one second results in 28.2845887786424474 megatons, so we can multiply this by the time it was illuminated. The episode lasts 19 minutes in total, which is 1140 seconds (I know the moon wasn’t illuminated for the entire episode, but I’ll be kind).

28.28 * 1140 = 32,239.2 Megatons

This is 32.23920001348888 Gigatons (Island)

Yes, incredibly consistent with all other feats in the verse; you can take this if you wish, although it's quite fragile. It doesn’t contradict other feats and will be Shrek's most solid level.

Regarding speed, Shrek is faster than Harold, who blocks electricity (Mach 1.6). Fiona can see everything frozen around her (Mach 1.4). The Dragon flies from the swamp to Far Far Away (Mach 99 - 199) and scales to Puss's multiple relativistic feats, including Bloodwolf shooting at the moon.

There are many other feats used to argue for a higher level, like Bloodwolf claiming he can destroy the world, magic beans being country-level, various high-ends country-level feats in Puss's show, the narrator moving the sun, Puss traveling interstellar distances or Bloodwolf "shooting at the sun." However, I won’t debunk them all here since they weren’t used as arguments and it would be a waste of time. I’ll cover all this when I do my own Shrek blog; however, that’s all for now.

Moving on to Beast; it's more varied as he surpasses Gaston, who creates huge explosions; he surpasses Maestro, who collapses a castle; The Enchantress creates a storm (132 tons - 6.9 megatons), and directly going to the point, Descendants takes him to Large Star and MFTL+.

I could detail both their arsenals and powers well; however... with stats for both characters, Beast is millions of times stronger and faster. Shrek wouldn’t have any way to react to his speed or withstand even one of his attacks; thus Beast would simply see Shrek standing still and would only need one hit to end the fight.

Also, as much as I’d love to elaborate further, I’ve been busy with something for Halloween on DBE Blogs; therefore I prefer not to waste FMT's time making him wait for my verdict and want to work more on that. So here ends my conclusion.

Uuuh... The Winner Is The Beast.


What fun. A match-up that I didn’t really consider all that much. I must admit, my biggest reason for wanting to be a part of this is my UNDYING love for the Shrek franchise. I do enjoy Beauty and the Beast, although not my favorite movie in Disney’s repertoire. And this match-up in particular… Honestly, I was surprised; I didn’t expect it to have as much depth that it did, and for them to BOTH be deconstructions of the fairytale fantasy? How could I not be pulled into it?

But enough of all that malarkey, I am here to help answer the age-old question we’ve just discovered; who will come out on top between these ostracized outcasts with monstrous hides hiding hearts of gold?

Well, right off the bat, let’s talk about skills and experience, something far smoother to go through. Both Shrek and Beast have lived quite the lives, going against a variety of foes that constantly prove why these monstrous protectors aren’t to be messed with. Although, you can say Beast has experience since his repertoire is more impressive, with being able to successfully imprison every Disney Villain to the Isle of the Lost, while Shrek has better skill due to showing more refinement and technique in how he fights.

Okay, points to both sides. That’s lovely.

Okay, now that we’ve got that tidbit of unnecessariness out, time to really start things off can tip things in either favor. Now, these two are surprisingly more powerful than you’d expect. Hell, I was caught off-guard at how powerful they are. 

Starting off with Shrek; his absolute best is scaling to the Bloodwolf creating a beam that illuminated the moon and got sent to Earth, easily making it Dwarf Star; and he can scale to Puss flying through space at high speeds, which is 9 Quadrillions Times Faster than Light.

Now for Beast; he can scale to Hercules tearing a hole in the night sky, getting up to Large Star; and he can scale to the Magic Carpet, which heroes like Aladdin and Jasmine have piloted, flying from Agrabah to the Shadow Realm, which reaches speeds of 22 Trillion Times Faster than Light.

So, yeah. They’ve both got a point here as well. Beast is stronger and tougher, but Shrek is faster. One good hit can knock Shrek’s light’s out, but that’s assuming Beast would even be able to keep track of him, let alone touch him; but there’s also considering if Shrek would be able to leave any major dents on Beast, which is not very likely.

Now, what do they have to help in regards to compensating in areas where they fall short? Well, they’ve both got basic weapons like swords, axes, what have you, potions to heal themselves, means of providing more defense, such as reflecting attacks or straight-up invincibility, and are able to stun/paralyze enemies.

They do, however, have a couple edges over the other. In Shrek’s case, his arsenal is much more diverse and varied than Beast’s, being better capable for an up-close or long-range battle, his multiple wands, bazookas, etc. providing better means of fighting at a distance, fairy dust for better mobility, a Mind Control Helmet to make the speed difference even bigger, Itsy Bitsy Dust to temporarily shrink Beast, or Love’s Sweetest Delight to temporarily make the Beast fall in love (love power, indeed… how gross). 

But everything that Beast has got is far more impressive, powerful, and destructive; his senses are precise enough to always be able to keep track of Shrek, which isn’t helped by how repugnant he can be, befitting of an ogre, his resistance to transmutation nulls Shrek’s only actual win-con, and being unaffected by a deadly disease means that Shrek’s farts won’t do anything except clear out Beast’s nose hairs, and that’s assuming said farts are even deadly in the first place, which they are not. And factoring in other crossover series’, Beast can deal ‘unavoidable damage’, come back fully recovered after getting KO’d, steal any shields Shrek may be wielding at the moment, many things that can screw over Shrek.

But what about Beast’s more magical arsenal? How would that play against Shrek?

… Oh, so, so badly. Like you wouldn’t believe.

I mean, the Book of Nevermore alone would spell Shrek’s doom, forever trapping him in an illusionary world that he wouldn’t be smart enough to figure out how to escape it; the Enchanted Mirror can better keep track of Shrek, or create illusions to mess with Shrek even more; The Rose can heal any ailments that may be affecting Beast, control plantlife to provide even better control over the battlefield, create force fields to better defend Beast, and bring objects to life to provide back-up.

Now speaking of back-up, they’ve both got some impressive support units in play to unleash all that dare to impose their wills unto the unnecessary masses that dare to call themselves God!

… Where was I going with this?

… Oh, right. Shrek has spiders… which can scare Beast… he’s also got Fart Phantoms for more combative support, even though they can end up turning against Shrek, a Swamp Beast to ride as a valiant steed, and Magic Mirror providing just as much insight and support as the Enchanted Mirror. But his tried and true ace in the hole is a fully-loaded, fire-breathing Dragon.

What’s Beast? Well, he’s got a lot more numbers on hand with the multiple castle servants, Phantom Knights, Living Books, and Gargoyles, all of whom are fully capable of fighting back against anyone that proves themselves a threat.

Okay, now that we’ve discussed everything that I want… I can’t say that Shrek is winning this. His only real advantage is how much faster he is, better tactical mind, how much variety he’s got in his weapons, and that Dragon is a more destructive ally. Beast, on the other hand, is far stronger and tougher, more experience, resistance to Shrek’s beast hax, larger number of servants made near endless by the Rose, and a more powerful and instantly lethal arsenal that could easily screw over Shrek if given the chance.

So yeah, as much as I’m a Believer, there’s no Beauty or Beast with Shrek seeing All Stars.

The winner is Beast… or Prince Adam… or whatever Disney can figure out to call him.


So this mu ended up being way more complex than I ever thought lol. When I first joined this blog (at the very end, I’m a parasite that steals other people’s credit), I wasn’t expecting much. I thought at most we’d get building level calcs and shrek winning due to his farts. What I did not think was going to happen was Beast being star level and Shrek being quadrillions times the speed of light! But I shouldn’t get ahead of myself.

Now where should I begin? Stats? Yeah, stats sounds good. So starting with their direct strength feats, Shrek is able to knock down Merlin’s tower, a quite impressive city block level feat. Beast, on the other hand, was able to destroy furniture and a wall of ice. Still good but way weaker than Shrek. Now what if we scale them to the characters in their direct series? Well Shrek should be able to scale to Puss who can scale to mftl speeds in the range of being quadrillions of times the speed of light. In terms of strength, you can get Shrek around town level due to scaling to dragon. But that’s not all, you can also scale Shrek to Puss once again, and Puss is able to scale to Bloodwolf. Not only is Bloodwolf able to illuminate the moon and turn it red, but he did this while also creating a giant energy beam that puts him at dwarf star level. This scaling would then get Shrek from city level to even dwarf star level!  Beast can scale to sexy Tim Curry mirror shaking the castle, around building level, and can maybe scale to the Enchantress creating a massive storm, which can get up to city level. Way less than dwarf star level. So with the scaling in either series, Beast seems kind of cooked. At least until you consider Descendants. Now scaling Beast to characters from Descendants may seem a little weird, but Descendants is weirdly considered to be the canon to most Disney movies. Yeah, all the Disney movies are connected to each other somehow. Those “Pixar-Theory” Mfers were onto something somehow lol. But regardless of the frankly astounding implications this has for Disney’s lore now, how does this affect the debate? Well, Beast can now basically scale to the majority of feats from Disney’s entire catalog. Now, he isn’t able to scale to every feat, most notable the high tier feats performed in the Hercules movie, but he should be able to scale to characters that aren’t canonically way stronger than him. Beast should be able to scale to decent speed feats such as Mal dodging staff beams, Prince Philip reacting to lightning attacks, and Hook’s ship traveling to Neverland which makes him over 6 million times the speed of light (what the fuck). Now Shrek still has a notable speed advantage, but this lessens the gap a bit and would allow him to blitz Shrek if you don’t buy MFTL Puss calcs. Some strength feats Beast should scale to Ursula and Maleficent storm feats, both of which are impressive, but the real bread and butter is his scaling to Hades. Now while I said that Beast can’t scale to the high tier feats that the gods in Hercules perform, they should be able to downscale to the lower, casual feats the greek gods perform. Which means that Beast should scale to Hercules lifting the sun and tearing open the night sky, making Beast up to Large Star Level. Beast can also scale to the many instances of gods casually throwing creatures into constellations, which is around 3 billion times the speed of light, making the speed gap even smaller. But the main takeaway from this is that Beast is just way stronger than Shrek, to the extent that it’s debatable if Shrek can even hurt Beast! Beast just needs to land one hit on Shrek and the ogre will be splattered so badly, that they’ll be able to kick start another line of the Dial Shrek Body Wash. In conclusion, Shrek is way faster than Beast but Beast is stronger to the extent that he can one-shot and no-sell any attacks Shrek lands on him.

But what about their hax? Okay now this is maybe the most interesting part of the blog. Shrek and Beast are surprisingly monsters (fitting) when it comes to their hax. Not Shrek and Beast have ways to heal themselves, turn invincible, increase their stats and buff their allies. One notable thing Beast has is his resistance to transmutation magic. This hard counters a majority of Shrek’s hax (like the power that turns you into frogs), all of which were options that would’ve allowed Shrek to bypass Beast’s insane durability. And that’s not the only defense Beast has. Belle’s Enchanted Mirror would be able to protect Beast from pretty much all of Shrek’s abilities, as well as being able to reflect any damage Shrek inflicts back towards him. Beast could effectively leave the mirror on and wait for Shrek to basically kill himself, trying to damage him.  And Shrek doesn’t really have any abilities to bypass defenses so he literally has no counter to this! The mirror can also make illusions, allowing the Beast to be able to hide from Shrek for most of the fight. And assuming that some of Shrek’s hax manages to affect Beast, he can use the Rose to flip any harmful effects. The Rose can also give Beast a forcefield to protect himself and also give objects life, effectively giving Beast an endless army. That’s right, Beast can literally sit back as he’s now turned this fight into an idle game. And even then, Beast is capable of bypassing all of Shrek’s defenses with Beastly Rage, making it so that Shrek can’t defend himself at all.

One wincon Shrek maybe has is his farts but that’s iffy. Shrek can definitely pull them off before Beast can act, given his speed advantage but it’s iffy if it actually can harm Beast. Beast could potentially resist it since he’s immune to diseases, suggesting some resistance to toxic materials entering their body. There’s also the fact that Shrek’s fights only stun, not kill opponents. The only instance of Shrek’s farts actually killing something is when he killed small animals. Now while Beast is still an animal, he’s definitely not a small one, and his disease resistance should be able to protect him to some extent. And assuming Shrek does knock Beast out, he still can’t kill him, Beast is too durable.  Also Get Out and The Curse are other abilities Beast has that would also be able to keep Shrek from using any harmful effects, essentially he could stop Shrek from pulling off his “wincons”. Shrek does have another advantage in how he can buff his speed advantage. The racing game gives him multiple items that can increase his speed and decrease Beast’s speed. He could effectively make it so that he’s untouchable to most of Beast’s attacks, keyword: Most.

The Book of Nevermore is maybe the most dangerous item in Beast’s arsenal as can BFR opponents into a dimension called Nevermore. Normally this wouldn’t be that bad if you could find a way to teleport between dimensions, but Shrek does not have that. If Shrek gets BFRd, he’s not coming back. But isn’t Shrek too fast to be tagged by it? Well here’s the thing, Beast doesn’t even have to touch him. The BFR is caused via sight, if Shrek looks at the book, he gets teleported. All Beast has to do is open up the book in front of him and once Shrek looks at it, ZOOP! He’s stuck in a different fairytale world forever!

What about their experience and skills? Both Shrek and Beast have been around for a while, and both have experience fighting magical enemies. While Beast was able to learn how to hunt when he was young, Shrek was able to gain some minimal combat training. And being trained to fight in a war is better than hunting defenseless animals. So in terms of skill, Shrek should edge out. But experience is where it goes the other way as Beast was the one responsible for locking up all the villains in the Isle so he is used to fighting magical individuals that are potentially stronger than him.

In conclusion, I think Beast wins. He’s way too powerful for Shrek to hurt him, has ways to defend himself from all of Shrek’s attacks, can overwhelm Shrek with a constant army, can bfr him immediately and can straight up one shot him. The only advantage Shrek has is his speed advantage but the only thing that can do is delay the inevitable. So in the end, beauty couldn’t kill this beast. The winner, in my opinion, is Mr. Beast.


Looks like it's time for a fairytale brawl huh. Yeah I love this matchup, it's genuinely epic how thematic and fun it is. And the contrasts to their story make for a fun banter between two characters that are so similar. But enough of that…let's move on to the verdict.


Now this category is very interesting..both have lived 40 years of action, adventure and magical action…though Beast being older and having to deal with magic deviants almost his whole life does mean he is more experienced than Shrek.

Combat itself is a different story, while Beast was trained as a young tot..Shrek had actual weapon and combat training. Not to mention he's displayed a lot more skill when it comes to fighting and wrestling compared to Beast's casual slashing. Intelligence is also decently close, Beast is generally smarter as he's been taught philosophy and learned a lot from his library. However Shrek is tactically much smarter seeing as he can constantly outwit people and make plans of attack against different foes, along with being able to constantly make his opponents underestimate him.

However the biggest factor in this, is that Beast can mentally lose control of himself. If he gets too angry or aggravated, he becomes more Beast-like. Which means it gives Shrek an opportunity in plan of attack to Outsmart a blinded Beast. After all, Beast's greatest weakness is his Beastly body..and it will leave him open for most of the fight. This Category goes to SHREK.


So this category is surprisingly very very close in many factors. Both have very haxxy weapons and can counter each other in many ways.

Shrek definitely has more haxxy weapons, with his wands, potions and Superslam items. He has Transmutation, sleep manipulation, shields, barriers, speed amps/depower, and plenty of healing items. Along with Shrek having an abundance of Medieval weapons that could overwhelm the beast. Shrek definitely has ways to use his larger kit to his advantage, whether it be freezing Beast, Shrinking him or making him fall in love with him lol. 

Beast also has some pretty haxxy weapons himself, and is very overpowered on the defense side. He has a ton of health potions, hacking and shield amps, and magic books. Beast does also have cool medieval equipment like Axes, War Hammers, swords and even guns. However his most powerful weapons are the ones given to him by the Enchantress. Book of Nevermore is able to trap whoever looks into it inside the book itself. The Rose has lots of top tier healing abilities, and it's capable of giving Beast magic attacks, Shields/Force Fields, plant manipulation and can help create more support for himself. And finally the mirror can deflect attacks/damage, create illusions, and has apparent Transmutation properties.

 Both also have support to back them up in a fight. Shrek has his Fart Phantoms (though are still physical and can be damaged), His Swamp Beast, Magic Mirror who could help him lead the way, and of course most impressive being Dragon, which is the Biggest thing in the fight. Although Beast has Gargoyles, Knights and enchanted books to combat all of that. However Beast takes sheer numbers with his hundreds of servants that will back him up and help in the fight. 

So who actually has the advantage over the other? Well Shrek does have weapons that could affect Beast like his Crown or love potion, or even his ice magic. And Shrek could just amp his own speed while making Beast slower, which would give him a good physical advantage. However Beast resists a good amount of what Shrek can throw at him; He can resist Transmutation, Mrs Potts helps him resist sleep manipulation, and he could resist any fire or shield magic with his ability to remove shields. Then he has his own shields, has multiple healing options, and of course has a massive numbers advantage. Beasts enchanted items really give him an edge in the fight, whether it's his mirror defecting any damage/attack, his rose constantly healing him/protecting him, or his book of Nevermore just sealing Shrek inside the book. And with his resistances, this means Beast can use his weapons more to take the edge. This Category goes to BEAST


Now this category isn't as stuffed and complicated, but still very very interesting. When you have 2 characters who are RPG styled in combat then you have lots of cool shit to see.

Now Shrek is pretty unique when it comes to his Haxes. He has his sense of smell, his impressive roars that can emit mini soundwaves, and he has his slam attacks. His most infamous ability however is his stench, y'know his Farts/Burps/Odor. He can create large Fart and Burp attacks, and his odor is said to be incredibly Au naturel. Now he's stated that his stench could kill people many times, but as I've said before it's just way too inconsistent to say it'd affect anything bigger than small animals. Although his farts COULD stun beasts as large as Dragon, and they can create some good AOE.

As for Beast, he's surprisingly pretty versatile. His Beastly form is already very strong, but he also has interesting Animal attributes like Night Vision, Enhanced Senses that allow him to smell where people are or have been, and of course has dangerous instincts that'll let him instantly go for the kill. His Roar is also capable of Paralysing enemies with just a shout, which is very helpful in combat. Now onto his special abilities, Beast can deal unavoidable damage, steal shields, resist magical harmful effects/and normal harmful effects, he can add defense amps and even come back from KO status. Not to mention his Roars can deal a good amount of AOE damage.

So who takes this? Ok you already know who does. Shrek is very versatile in his stench but Beast just has too many defensive abilities in his bag. Most of Shreks greater abilities come from his arsenal, and His Ogre abilities are not comparable to Beast's senses and his instincts to just go for the kill. Shreks best option is his stench that can stun and create large attacks, but Beast also has his own stunning abilities and has paralysis that can be accomplished by just roaring. And most importantly Beast just has too many ways to deal with Shreks abilities. This Category goes to BEAST


Oh boy, time for probably the most important category of the debate. Who's strong enough to one shot? Who's fast enough to pull off their Haxxes first? We shall see…

Now Shrek using his normal stuff would scale to decent feats in his series. At his lowest he'd scale to King Harold's Supersonic dodging feat and his own MCB Merlin Castle feat. But using Shrek's higher feats he'd scale to Dragon's Massively Hypersonic feat AND her Town feat. Pretty good feats on Shrek's side, but what about Beast? Well using his lower feats he'd scale to Forte's large building shaking feat, his own High Hypersonic Sonic+ feat (which should scale both sides since he continuously blitzed Forte and dodged his notes) and of course the MCB Low end of the Enchantress' storm feat. But if you wanna use higher ends, the Enchantress feat would instead be City level. So using their basic feats, the stat comparison would be Town and Massively Hypersonic vs City and High Hypersonic. Not a bad stat comparison, however that's not all you can scale them to.

Now going into Cosmic Scaling as I'd like to call it. The Puss in Boots series consistently has VERY high feats that Shrek can scale to seeing as he's physically fought Puss in Boots a good amount of times. And Puss has arguments that let him scale to the cosmic feats done in said show that can get both Him and Shrek very high. As for Beast, Descendants lets him scale to basic magic users like Merlin and it also lets him scale to Descendants VKs that are relative to other Disney villains. Along with Downscaling Hades (a weaker Hades which is why we used his lowest ends, since even in other canon crossovers people like Alladin couldn't physically deal with God's, however it's consistent that these dudes can normally scale in speed.) So let's talk about how powerful their scaling is!

Puss scales to a character named Bloodwolf who's already very impressive on his own. He was able to Illuminate the moon (which got city level), and he created a large moon laser that was sent to Earth. This feat on its own would get Puss in the Dwarf Star range, but even aside from that he and Bloodwolf can scale to planetary threat's like the Archanham which actually DID destroy the planet. It's safe to say that this scaling wouldn't be an outlier since there's lots of ways you can make the feat consistent to many other cosmic feats in the series. Speaking of that, there's another really cool feat in said series. Of course I'm talking about the feat where Puss in the storybook zoomed through space and landed ln another story. Now I established how we can accept Puss scaling in reaction speed, however it's more debatable if Puss can scale in travel speed since he battles against the narrator and his magic. There's many ways to go against this but there are other ways you can support this, it really depends on if you want to buy it or not. Either way this would mean MFTL+ reactionary speed (and debatably scaling in travel speed.)

Now Beast's case is less confusing to debate but WAY more complicated to scale. First off there's the storm feats done by FGM magic that could get around City levels, then there's Mal being able to overpower Maleficent who has her own storm feat and scales to Prince Philip's reactionary feat. Then Mal also scales to Uma in which she and her mother Ursula have similar Storm and ocean powers; who also scales to very good reactionary feats. They of course scale to Jafar who has a blizzard feat and scales to the speed of the magic carpet; who has a frickin MFTL+ feat. Hell, even Hook scales to a MFTL+ feat…. consistency yay!! 

However things get interesting when we discuss Hades scaling and feats done by average normal gods. He'd scale to the Low End of Hercules night sky feat, which would get Large Star. And he'd scale to ANOTHER MFTL+ plus feat. (Holy shit..)

And let's not forget you can argue base characters scaling to Hercules son Herkie, which would further support this scaling (esp since there's a ton of other star feats that'd get this range in low ends.) 

So what's the stat comparison for Cosmic stuff? Well the highest you can get Shrek in AP is Dwarf Star, meanwhile the highest you can get Beast in AP is Large Star. That's already a pretty big gap which means Beast could one shot. HOWEVER using their best speed feats, Beast scales to a Trillions C speed feat; meanwhile Shrek scales to QUADRILLION C Speed feat..so yeah Shrek has a speed advantage. Even if you don't wanna use the cosmic feats it's still fairly similar to what we have now. 

Large Town vs City: Beast having a pretty big AP advantage.

Massively Hypersonic vs High Hypersonic+: Shrek having a pretty big speed advantage.

And again, with using cosmic feats 

Dwarf Star vs Large Star: Beast having a pretty big AP advantage.

Quad C (MFTL+) vs Trillions C (MFTL+): Shrek having a pretty big speed advantage.

So yeah either way this is a pretty simple conclusion. With or without cosmic ends; Beast will either be much stronger, or Shrek will be much faster. Strength goes to BEAST and Speed goes to SHREK 

My Conclusion:

So in the end, who do I think wins? Well.. that's honestly tough. Both have really good Hax and arsenal that can take each other down. Beast is strong enough to one shot Shrek and Shrek is fast enough to use his abilities first. Although the main problem is that Beast does resist a good amount of Shrek's Haxes and has many defensive amps and abilities that make it so Shrek's attacks can't work on him. His senses ensure Shrek can't hide out or turn invisible, his numbers make it so he can overwhelm Shrek and plan ahead, and Beast is much more willing to just kill Shrek the first chance he gets. And his strength advantage ensures that it'll be hard for Shrek to physically put him down. So with his physical advantages, numbers, instincts, defenses and magic Haxes..the Winner is BEAST. (In my opinion.)



“I always thought I was the one who rescued you from the Tower, no..it was you who rescued me." 


  • Faster regardless of what end you use

  • Much more versatility and range 

  • Much better Mobility thanks to Fairy Dust

  • Has much haxxier weapons and items to use against the Beast 

  • Far more skilled and tactical in nature

  • Dragon gives him the size advantage 

  • Better AOE thanks to his Burps and Farts

  • Can always stun the Beast with his farts

  • Has a better franchise 

  • All Star.


  • Much weaker in both ends

  • Beast resists a good amount of his haxxes 

  • Has nothing against Beasts defenses 

  • His attacks can just be redirected back at him

  • Gets immensely overwhelmed by Beasts support 

  • Shrek the Third.

  • Was kind of an asshole in the Fourth movie..


" But it was YOU who saved my life, without you my life would be…meaningless..,”


  • Stronger regardless of what end you used 

  • Much more defenses and healing options 

  • Much more likely to go for the kill before anything 

  • His enchanted items have to much going for him 

  • More more experienced and overall smarter

  • Has a MASSIVE numbers advantage 

  • His Senses and instincts give him the stealth advantage 

  • Can always paralyze Shrek with his roars 

  • The first movie was amazing. (2nd wasn't bad either.)



  • Way slower in both ends

  • Loses his intelligence advantage if he gives into his Beastly form, which will give Shrek the time to plan his next move

  • Not as versatile as Shrek

  • Can't resist some of Shrek's best haxxes 

  • He has a cool down on some of his abilities 

  • His live action design.

  • Being a Beast can't excuse some of this man's actions…


In this fairytale, Beast seems like the most likely to have his Happily Ever After. His Superior AP with most ends means he will always be stronger than Shrek, and his arsenal guarantees him having better defensive Haxxes against Shrek's own abilities. Not to mention he has many options of his own to take Shrek out, and his Beastly instincts means he will go for the kill first. While Shrek is much faster, much more versatile, and has a bigger scale than Beast with more tactical knowledge; Beast is overall smarter, more experienced, and has numbers that will completely overwhelm Shrek and any support he has to offer. So that's it huh? Shrek dies and Beast lives and stays as a beast. But that's just it, despite these two having these Beastly attributes they're far from being that. I can tell you right now that these two would be friends more than anything, the world views Shrek as a rude and angry monster who just makes jokes and farts, while the world views Beast as an emotionless killing machine. But the truth is there's much more on the inside, they're kind and protective giants who would do anything to protect the people close to them and will fight to the end for that protection. This isn't a fight between two Grumpy monsters, this is a fight between an Ogre who will always protect his family and a Prince who will always protect his people. The people who truly saved them from a life of misery, were the people who they thought cared nothing about them and hated them for everything they've done…but it was only the opposite. These guys aren't monsters.. they're Friends, Fathers, Saviors.. they're people just like the rest of us. And even if they make mistakes, they'll always do their best to fix it and make amends. In the end, Beast is our guest winner…while it was all Ogre for Shrek..

Beast has escaped this deadly fate and is tonight's winner

Shrek on the other hand, has been sentenced to Death By Blog 


Final Tally

Shrek (3) - Donkey, Morta (Pity Vote), Oleggator

Beast (5) - WhyAmIHere, ScaratMoon, Crimgon, Spectral, FMT

Waluigi (1) - Bored Seba 

What's Next?


Credit to Stars and RedHeadedElf for the cool calcs (the homies) Credit to the very cool people who joined last minute to make a verdict on this blog, Credit to Shrek vs Manny by DBE blogs, Credit to Disney Princess Battle Royale by Round 1: FIGHT!! And Credit to Puss in Boots vs Mao Mao by Point 5 Prediction Blogs. (Of course Credit to the Wikis I already credited in the blog lol, I couldn't do stuff that I wanted to because of circumstances and the Wikis really came in handy.)

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Death By Blog: Shrek vs Beast

  “Take hope from the heart of man and you make him a beast of prey." - Quida Welcome to DBB There's an old debate that's been ...